My very first post on this blog is dated April 18th 2007 so technically this is my 2nd anniversary with The Shetland Trader! I was quite wet behind the ears when I began my relationship with the blogging world. I had also just had my first design accepted by Looking back I feel like I've accomplished quite a lot since then! I've also connected with some fantastic people many of whom have shared their wisdom and knowledge with me as I struck out on the designing path. I'm so glad to have "met" you all. Keeping this blog helped me through a time when I've been far from some of my nearest and dearest friends and family. So to show my thanks to all who stop by and for the pure fun of it I'm doing an anniversary give away thingy!
First prize - some Shetland goodies:
A copy of the book Shetland Hap Shawls Then and Now by Sharon Miller and enough Jamieson's Yarn (direct from the mill) for you to complete your very own Hap Shawl. I have picked the same colours that I used in the shawl I made for little Daisy last summer (photos of that one below) and a cute tote bag made by phatsheeptextiles in Shetland featuring cute and colourful croft houses.
Next up - Books for all tastes!
For those that don't know, my husband is a novelist with 4 books under his belt so far and another, The Other Lands (Acacia, Book 2), coming in September. He has kindly donated a copy of each (in English) for this giveaway. Each of the books will be given away individually. More info on the titles (with links) below the photo:
About Gabriel's Story (a New York Times Notable Book) Publishers Weekly wrote: "The old West, both beautiful and brutal, is the setting of Durham's magnificently realized debut novel, a classic coming-of-age story of an African-American boy."
Walk Through Darkness (also a New York Times Notable Book), combines aspects of his family's African-American history with my Scottish ancestry. The San Francisco Chronicle wrote: "David Anthony Durham's evocative and finely wrought second novel, Walk Through Darkness resonates with the great American historical irony: Founded in reaction to tyranny, America's habit was slavery and the acceptance of institutionalized racism its denial."
Pride of Carthage tells the story of Hannibal's war with ancient Rome. It's been published in the UK and in eight foreign languages. The Christian Science Monitor called it, "a brilliant exploration of the tension between private destiny and historical force, as full of the sweep of geopolitics as the quiet intimacies of a marriage. He so clearly creates the hopes and fears of these people removed from us by time and culture that we can recognize our tragic, common heritage."
Acacia: The War with the Mein is an epic fantasy set in an alternative world, featuring a multi-racial cast, it's been published in the UK and eight foreign languages, and it got David nominated for the John W Campbell Award. The Washington Post wrote: "From the first pages of Acacia, Durham, a respected historical novelist, demonstrates that he is a master of the fantasy epic. "
Last-but not least, a Shetlandtrader original pattern:
I thought it appropriate to include some of my creativity in this celebration so I will be giving away 3 free copies of my latest self-published pattern Moch Cardi. Please note that this is just the pattern...not a finished cardigan!
To enter please leave a comment on this post with a way for me to easily contact you (no addresses, I'll get them when I pick the winners). This is open to anyone, anywhere. If you want to state a preference for a prize please do so.........No promises but I will try to accommodate where possible. You have until next Friday, the 24th of April to enter!
one week to go!
3 days ago
Congratulations!! Thank you for spreading the celebration and joy around :-)
Happy Blog-Anniversary!
Your knitting has been an inspiration. My friends and I are currently doing a Hap-Shawl Knit-a-long.
Wishing you and your lovely family continued health, happiness, and success!
great giveaway! and happy 2nd blog birthday. you have accomplished a lot.
that hap shawl prize is quite the prize!
Happy Blog Birthday!
Your knitting is simply perfection.
I LOVE the beautiful yarn - such a wonderful color selection!
Your husband's books look like fantastic reads - I am partial to Gabriel's Story.
Happy Blog Anniversary :) I've enjoyed following your blog for a long time. I love your work and also your photos. That Hap-Shawl look fantastic. I really love the colors you've chosen.
Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many more posts to come. :)
Happy blog-versary!
I'm knitting Linga right now. I'm a slow knitter but thankfully I live in a cool weather area so hats are useful year round. So a new wool hat in April is not such an odd thing.
You can PM me on Ravelry. I'm Luneray there too.
Happy celebration day to you and your blog. I'm happy to find you through Twist and Vaila and enjoyed your blog after that. Keep going on!
Happy Blog Birthday, Gudrun! :-)
Just found your blog about a month ago, but it's been an absolute pleasure reading up on what you've been doing. Happy Blog Day indeed!
Happy Blog Day, Gudrun!
I'm loving the little black dress pattern, and looking forward to knitting a hip in hemp skirt for myself.... Thank you loads for your ongoing generosity!
Warmest best,
Happy Blog Birthday! Your blog has been an absolute joy to read and your designs are truly beautiful!
Congrats on your blogiversary! I found yours through ravelry and have enjoyed following it. I would *love* to make my own Hap shawl but beggars can't be choosers eh? As a Kindle-owner I tend to shy away from books other than knitting related ones.
Here's to a happy future in knitting and writing!
Happy blogging anniversary, Gudrun! I remember your first blog posts, I looked you up after working with you on that first Knitty pattern. :)
I think I'm going to have to look your husband's books up, they sound amazing.
You've got my email address... ;)
Good on ya for sticking to it for two years (the web is littered with the carcasses of my writing...!). I'm a relatively new reader, and I'm glad for a chance to de-lurk and say hello!
Congratulations on your bloganniversary! May we see many more years! (I think I first noticed you on knitty a long time ago, maybe it was that first pattern, but I haven't followed your blog regularly until recently).
So many great things to win. I hadn't realised your husband was an author. Now I have to check out those books and buy one if I don't win :) And that shawl looks delicious.
So glad that you decided to start blogging two years ago! You are always an inspiration, whether with your photos or you designs.
Happy Birthday!
And thanks for a good read.
Happy blog anniversary! I guess today is the day to leave my first comment. I follow your RSS feed and I really enjoy your thoughtful blog posts.
Such beautiful colours in the hap shawl, so warm and cosy looking - that would be my pick :-) .
happy reading your blog and seeing your creations
Oh oh oh those prizes are all AMAZING!! The Shetlandy one is particularly covetable but the novels look great too! Biggest prize though is the Pioneer Valley getting it's Gudrun back =)
Happy blog-iversary!
I've been enjoying your blog for several months now. Your designs and projects are all so beautiful. It's always a such a treat to sign on and see that you've updated.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Congratulations and many happy returns! I've enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your beautiful photos and work.
Congrats! I hope my blog makes it that long!
Congratulations! I've only recently found your blog, but I'm hooked already. Wishing you continued blogging, knitting and designing success! :)
Yea, for 2 wonderful years. I enjoy your blog so much. Wonderful photography and knitting! I look forward to many more years!
I love your blog and have learned so much from your writings both as a knitter and as a person. Happy Blogversary.
Happy blogiversary! Your knitting patterns and projects are always an inspiration. :-)
Well, happy blogiversary! I just found your blog today. I was debating with myself, oddly enough, about whether to start a hap shawl, or maybe your Shetland Shorty, and I wandered over here from the Knitty link. I love your style, and I'm for sure adding you to my reader.... right now!
Happy Blog Day indeed! Always enjoy reading your posts and your pictures are just beautiful - loved when you were in Shetland and still blogging - those pictures were just gorgeous. I've been reading you and lurking since almost the beginning. Think I found you via Knitty. Congrats!!!!
Happy 2nd Blogiversary! I always love your patterns and lovely photographs... I look forward to many more exciting blog-years!
Congratulations! I found you a few months ago, and I just love your blog. Not to mention, your taste in sweaters mirrors my own, and you're the reason I knit Francis, Revisted. :)
twilightspirit at gmail dot com
Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing the beautiful photos you post here. I really like the colors you chose for the Hap Shawl; that would be my pick if I were lucky enough to win -- thanks for the chance!
I just found your blog the other day while trying to figure out what a hap shawl is. Your knitting is lovely and I've been enjoying it a lot. Happy blogoversary!
knittingalone at gmail dot com
Happy "blogoversary" to you! I have really enjoyed your patterns and photography! That shawl is so gorgeous (and the baby, too). Keep up the beautiful work, I will continue to admire!
Happy blogiversary! Keep it up. Your designs are very inspiring, and I love your photos. (I'm crudmonkey on ravelry, too)
Has it really been two years? I feel like I have been reading your blog for quite a while and I guess I started reading it shortly after you started it and I didn't even know. Either way, I'm so glad I found your blog and you continue to be a source of knitting and mothering inspiration to me.
Happy Blogiversary :) I love your blog!
Happy Blogiversary to you. As is the case with all my favorite blogs, you both inspire and bring me joy. Thank you.
Happy blogversary! I've been enjoying your entries for quite a while now. I really enjoy your creations and also find your photo work very expressive. Thanks for being so generous with the giveaway, I love the hap shawl!
Wishing you much success, Luciana
Firstly happy second blog-aversary. I have very much enjoyed reading your blog for the last year and a bit since I have discovered blog world. Beautiful prizes. Your knitting is so fabulous and I am always in awe at how quickly you can turn a piece out. And...the fact that you can write patterns..well, I bow down to you. Keep on bloggin'
Congratulations on reaching a blog milestone! The Hap Shawl looks gorgeous - and what a great prize!
Happy Blog-Anniversary. I've enjoyed reading your blog so much and what a great giveaway! I LOVE the wonderful yarn!
Happy Blog Day! I'm a newish reader here, and I very much enjoy your blog...and your great designs. Thanks for sharing with the world!
Happy Blogiversary. Contratulations on reaching the big '2'!
If I was so fortunate to win, I would be happy with anything but a copy of Walk through Darkness would make me click my heels together
Wow! two years of your writings for me, a relatively new reader, to catch up with!
Congratulations to you.
Hearty congrats! I always look forward to reading your posts.
Congratulations on the blog-o-versary! I love your photos and stories and of course the beautiful patterns you have been creating! Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Happy BlogDay! I'm sorry I don't comment more, but I always enjoy your posts and, as many have said above, your photos.
Best wishes for another two years of happy knitting, designing, and travel. :)
evatoad AT gmail DOT com
Happy blogday! May there be many more to come :). What a great and generous bunch of prizes! I want to win. Have any of your husbands books been translated to Swedish? I'd like to look them up!
Happy Blog Day, reading this always makes me happy and I love your patterns. Here's to many more birthdays to come.
Happy Blogversary!!!
You are a wicked designer, look forward to seeing what you come up with this year!
How generous you are!!!
Happy blogiversary! I love your blog and have been reading it regularily for quite some time. Can't remember where I "found" you though;-)
Have a lovely Spring!
i never win these things...but i have wanted to make a hap shawl for ages...yours is gorgeous!
happy blog-versary!
Happy BlogAnniversary! Your blog is my favorite. Your patterns, color choices and photography are beautiful. I look forward to more posts to come. Thank you for offering up such generous prizes.
Happy Blog Birthday! I was very happy to find your Shetland Trader blog and have read your posts with great interest. I love your references to the Shetlands and hope one day to actually visit. BTW, your patterns are amazing!
Happy Anniversary!
I love your blog and designs.
Love the hap shawl package...and your pattern!
I look forward to reading your updates for many more years!
Cheers! Elizabeth
Ravelry: PictureandBook
Happy Blog-a-day! That shawl is awesome!
you have really inspired me over the couple of months since i came across your blog. your work is beautiful and it is always a pleasure to come here and see what you're up to. I hope you will accomplish even more in the coming year!
everything you're giving away is fantastic!
Happy blogiversary! Wishing you many more.
I started reading for the knitting and photography :-)
I've set my blogger up so I can be replied to or I'm yarnivorous on ravelry.
Happy blog-anniversary :-)I love to read it and I love your designs.
Congratulations on your second anniversary! That is no small feat. Love your designs and pictures. I'm blogless myself, but that may change... oh, and I am Sockie on Ravelry. (Though I haven't done much with that either - somehow knitting always takes over!)
Happy anniversary! Your blog and knitting are truly inspirational- I love your version of the happ shawl so much, I'm playing with colors and planning my own.
Many happy returns!
Happy Blog Anniversary!
This is the most generous give-away - and I love that shawl! It's been so interesting to follow your blog - especially on your trip to Europe, as we are almost "neighbours".
Keep up the good work!
Many happy returns on your blog! I've always enjoyed your blog -- and especially was mesmerized by your Scottish photos.
Oh, hurray!! Happy Blog Day Gudrun - what a great two years for you - it's been so much fun to watch your design career take off!!
Happy Blog Day indeed! We are all so lucky to have blogs in order to share in lives and projects of the knitting world. Yours are a joy to share; thank you so much for your efforts and beautiful creations! You are wonderful!
Thank you, too, for the give-aways. The hap shawl book and yarn are exceptionally generous, but all of the prizes look wonderful. I love the new sweater you've designed, too! Great job!
Happy Blogiversary! Pick me, pick me :)
Happy Blog Day!Love the picture of the baby swaddled in your Hap shawl.The Hap Shawl Prize would make my day!
I just found your blog, and am impressed by your designs. It is on my regular visiting list. The shawl is adorable, and I've had my eye on the sweater pattern for a while--maybe I won't order it in case I win?
Congratulations on your blogiversary.
People should be giving you gifts instead of the other way around.
Delurking to say congrats! Thanks for sharing with us, I enjoy peeking into your life.
Happy Blog Day To You!
I love your designs and love to read your blog. Wishing you all the best!
Happy Blogoversary! I found your blog not so long ago, and I'm impressed with your creativity!
Best wishes and continue to write!
Love, love your blog. Congratulations on all your well-earned success.
Congrats on your blog anniversary. I love your knitting and the style of your blog. The shawl if lovely.
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging! What a way to celebrate :)
The yarn for the shawl is such a gorgeous combination!
Happy blogiversary! Looking forward to another year of great knitting, photos, patterns - you have a great blog and I always look forward to reading your updates.
Happy Blog day to you! Although I feel like we are the lucky ones! I am enjoying your blog, I loved the pictures from your home land. I am looking forward to spending another year with you.
Happy blogiversary - here's to many more! And what a generous giveaway!
Happy Blog day and even if I don't win I am so buying the Moch cardi - I love it to bits
what fun! Happy blogiversary! What a beautiful shawl and baby! (And such ruddy cheeks!)
Just came across your blog recently and have really enjoyed your photographic, knitterly, and assorted other adventures.
Happy anniversary & happy blogging. What a great way to celebrate. I'm a new fan of your blog & look forward to reading much more in the near future.
The Shetland Trader is a great blog! Thank you for sharing...
I finished my Linga, which was a fun knit the whole way through. I've been wearing it a lot in the cold Seattle spring. I finally blocked it yesterday, so I'll get it up properly on Ravelry.
I love your blog! And your designs! Congratulations on your blog-anniversary! And thank you for all the inspiration!
Thank you for sharing your joy of knitting with us!
I will be looking for 'Pride of Carthage' at my local library and bookstore :)
Happy Anniversary! The hap shawl colors are absolutely beautiful!
congratulations on two years of blogging and what wonderful prizes.
You inspire me every day.
love Ruby xx
Happy Blogversary! Best wishes for many more -- you are an inspiration!
Happy blog birthday! I'm a little late to the party having just found your space a few months ago. But I've enjoyed reading it since! The patterns you've been churning out are amazing--such an inspiration! Here's hoping you have many more blog years ahead!
Yea! Congratulations! A contest is so great! I have coveted your Hap Shawl, ever since you blogged about it long ago. I have wanted the book and yarn for the longest time, and if I would win, I would love to win the book and yarn! Thank you!!
I am Debbie at:
Hi, I loved your posts from Fair Isle. Now that you've been gone from there for a while, do you have any more thoughts about the island? I would truly favor the hap shawl. thanks.
Happy Blogoversary! Please keep it up - such blogs keep me sane! :)
helencrofoot at gmail dot com
Happy blogiversary! I love reading your blog, and hope you continue for another two years!
That hap shawl is so beautiful, as is the baby! Happy birthday!
Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary Gudrun!! I have enjoyed reading your posts and your knitting projects/designs are an inspiration. I knitted the Bousta Beret for my daughter's 18th birthday present - she loved it! The hap shawl would be quite a treasured knit too.
Thank you and best wishes.
p.s. on the off chance that I win, you can contact me at kwmucha at gmail dot com
- Kara
T and K, Day to Day
Thanks for your wonderful blog! As a sporadic blogger myself, I have heaps of gratefulness for those of you who can write more consistently. I've also been knitting some Linga hats -- the pattern is wonderful!
I think your husband's books sound very captivating.
Happy Blog Anniversary!
What awesome prizes - the Hap Shawl is stunning and I love the colors you selected.
Happy Blog-Anniversary! I totally enjoy reading your blog and am inspired by your creativity and talent!
Thank you for offering such wonderful prizes! Very generous!
Sharilyn at knittymom dot com
I so enjoy your blog and your patterns are spectacular!I have done three berets,....people see them and want one,....I will certainly try more,.....hap shawls are beautiful,...I am a lace addict,....the hap has a different spin to it,.....adds to another whole part of one's wardrobe and makes a lovely gift,....keep on keepin on,..your work,...writing, knitting, and sewing! are great!!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! Your creativity inspires me! I am making Vaila right now, and I love it! I look forward to trying more of your patterns.
wow. We ain't in it for the knitting G (well not knitting for ourselves) but open your website every morning to see what you, David and the kiddos might newly be wearing. Don't enter us (obviously) just keep creating. Nick
I've loved following your blog for a while, now. Absolutely love the colorway you chose for the Hap Shawl. Congratulations, good wishes, and keep up the good work!
happy two years! looking forward to many more with your fab designs. (though hopefully not too many more of the spiders ;))
Happy blog anniversary!
Congrats and I love the new pattern!
happy blog anniversary! i always look forward to your new designs, they're always so beautiful!
i hope we'll get to meet up when you return to the valley!
I love your designs -- photos --- and posts! I have even tried the soup--yum! (and I am not really a beet lover) thank you for everything you do for knitting: I am trying to buy patterns only (or mostly) from designers rather than let the Big Magazines call the shots. go go girl!
I have to say that it was a breath of fresh air to find a blog with someone who puts their family first. Love the house in the woods.
Your knitting is beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration!
I want to enter your contest!
all of the prizes are amazing...
contact info:
i love your blog!
thank you for all of your inspiring creativity!!
Wow, so many awesome things! Happy 2nd blog birthday!
Only 2 years? Amazing! Love the chat, the photos, the knitting tips, and your patterns are a wonderful combination of style and technique. A pleasure to knit. Keep it all coming, please.
Congrats on two years! I've enjoyed seeing your work and can't wait to see more!
Happy Anniversary!
I have finally cast on to make myself the 'Hip in Hemp' skirt for the summer...let the obsession begin!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Happy Anniversary Gudrun!
I read your blog for 2 years now, and I love it. I wish you more celebrations to come.
Thank you for the giveaway, I always had an eye on your shawl.
I forgot to leave my email ... keeping my fingers crossed ...
thank you for the blog, the patterns, the photos :)
Congrats. Enjoy reading the blog and viewing your designs. the sneak peak for the moch cardi was brilliant.
Thanks for sharing such great prizes on your anniversary!
I enjoy checking your blog adventures,
Lisa in Toronto
Oh my! I have loved that hap shawl since I first saw it! The color selection is beautiful. Your blog is a joy, your description of your heritage and Shetland Isles wonderful........... please consider me
WOW! now that is a giveaway. You should be PROUD of yourself for accomplishing so much.
I'm too late to enter but wish you a very happy blog anniversary just the same!
hmm... beautiful. i may need to knit this!
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