My husband and I took our kids to see the Golden Compass last weekend. We all mostly enjoyed it as an action-packed, visually stunning experience (David and I had read the books so knew a lot was missing and had our own complaints about that)..however this post is not a movie review. As a result of the release of this movie there has been a lot of Daemon talk within the family-in this household and with family in Scotland and New Zealand.
Daemons,for those who don't know the book or movie, are animals that are like guardian spirits that stay with their human and reflect their inner Dad started thinking about what his daemon might be and that got the rest of us started....we came up with our own to begin with.....David reckoned his was something that liked to get out for walks and help him write his brother thought his was a duck (still not sure why).....and my daughter Maya was intent on hers being a snow leopard (her favourite animal and a daemon that is in the movie).
Then we were directed to here.....answer 20 questions truthfully and have your daemon revealed.......
Turns out Maya's is a snow leopard! (link to her blog to see her daemon-yes my 8 year old has a blog too)!
My son's sage was a gibbon -fairly appropriate
David's a fox.....perfect for getting out for walks and fueling his brain with plot....
...and mine...was a spider!
When this was revealed I had to admit to feeling disappointed...did not like the idea of a spider crawling around me especially after all the black widows I've found in this house (and subsequent dreams I've had) I answered the questions again....still a spider......I dismissed the whole thing and didn't save my daemon! It wasn't until my dad pointed out the weaving/spinning aspect of spiders that I realized how apt mine was and what a fool I'd been! However on my 3rd, 4th and 5th attempt I didn't get my spider back!! So I'm telling you now....don't dis you're daemon! I hope I haven't offended mine too much.....I'm going to believe he's still there spinning knitwear design ideas into my head and hands!
one week to go!
3 days ago
And, didn't you weave a web for Halloween? Your dad's smart. :)
I got the lion. I wonder if formerly having a housemate named Daimon and a husband named Damian has any influence. ;)
my daemon is the chimpanzee. i never would have guessed that in a million years.
when I told my son I wanted to see the movie because I'd heard the knitting was so good...He said"lame". So I'm off to see what my daemon is.
Yes I did see lots of interesting knits...certainly worth it for that alone!
You guys are knitting geeks!!
Merry Christmas to you!
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