(poem by Nancy clarke from a series of postcards on Shetland Dialect/ Photograph from the Islesburgh Photographic Club) In the vein of a recent post that Ysolda made I thought this familiar nursery rhyme with a twist might be fun to share.
"bæ bæ lille lam, har du noe ull? ja ja kjære barn, jeg har kroppen full. søndagsfrakk til far og søndagsskjørt til mor og to par strømper til bittelille bror" This is the norwegian version I know...
I was born in Shetland, but grew up all over Scotland. I now live with my novel- writing husband (David Anthony Durham) and two kids in the woods of Western Massachusetts!
That's cool!
It exists in scandinavia too, although with a white lamb :)
(I realised my previous comment came out a bit odd so i delted it :)
That's interesting...I didn't know that!
"bæ bæ lille lam,
har du noe ull?
ja ja kjære barn,
jeg har kroppen full.
søndagsfrakk til far
og søndagsskjørt til mor
og to par strømper
til bittelille bror"
This is the norwegian version I know...
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