Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on
Shetland Shorty! It's been a lot of fun to watch the activity over on
Ravelry... .. 24 projects already! Quite bizarre to watch the instant response over there....those guys go nutty over knitty!! (Quite rightly so)!
This is what is HAPpenin with me (I couldn't resist the play on words with this one):
My first wedge of my latest project- A traditional Shetland Hap Shawl
I posted about these almost a
year ago and now have need of making one for a friend's baby due August 1st!

I'm using the pattern from
Rowan 42- 'Bressay Hap Shawl' and the book '
Shetland Hap Shawls' (both by
Sharon Miller) the latter of which goes into detail about the history and various constructions.
I'm using the 'Traditonal' method which is knit in 5 pieces as opposed to knitting the whole thing at once in the round.
There are 4 wedges where you begin with the edging and then pick up stitches for the border which are then joined to a central square. In her book, Sharon speculates that it would have been easier to work on one smaller piece, rather than an entire shawl, whilst getting domestic and crofting work done at the same time!
I may well try my hand at using my
Shetland knitting belt seeing as I have not done so yet...not sure that I'll manage to do much else at the same time though!

This lovely ball of yarn is '
Dream In Colour Classy'(- Gothic Rose) and is destined for the popular
February Lady Sweater- a grown up version of the
Februray Baby Sweater by
Elizabeth Zimmerman...this version has kindly been written up and shared by
Flintknits and is causing quite a knitting frenzy over on Ravelry......which I happily wandered into without another thought!
I began last night and have a little yoke of gorgeous garter!
(I ordered this delicious yarn from and have to sing her praises as the package I received was beautifully wrapped and came with little extras and a handwritten note-so thoughtful)!So, designers being featured for the next two months will be Sharon Miller and
Elizabeth Zimmerman ala Flintknits!